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Daiichi Hooks

Daiichi specialty hooks are some of the finest hooks on the planet, giving tiers great innovative specialty hook options.  Very strong and sharp, these are hooks that not only look great in the vise but also fish great on the water.

  • Daiichi 1520 Wet/Nymph Hooks

    Daiichi 1520 Wet/Nymph Hooks

    A good choice for tying egg patterns or nymphs for large trout and steelhead. This is a great hook when you want to tie standard trout patterns, like Copper Johns and fish them for steelhead. Some of the more common flies that are tied on this hook are:...

    $6.95 - $22.95
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  • Daiichi 1310 Dry Fly Hooks

    Daiichi 1310 Dry Fly Hooks

    Excellent substitution for either the TFS or TMC 921 and is a popular hook for some local guides on the Fall River. This hook is a little shorter that the standard 100 dry-fly hook allowing tiers to smaller bodied dries and emergers. Some of the more...

    $6.95 - $22.95
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  • Daiichi 1150 Curved Hooks

    Daiichi 1150 Curved Hooks

    Similar to the 1140, but in a heavier wire. This up-eye scud hook can be used for larger emergers, scuds, caddis pupa, or even San Juan Worms. Having an up-eye hook provides a wider hook gape, providing a better chance of hooking/landing fish. Some of...

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  • Daiichi 1130 Curved Hooks

    Daiichi 1130 Curved Hooks

    One of the most popular hook used for tying emergers and dries. Very similar to the 2488 series, but has a down turned eye for those who prefer the style over the ring eye. Some of the more common flies that are tied on this hook are: * PMD Challenged *...

    $6.95 - $22.95
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